Getting Started with RescriptRelay

Recommended background reading#

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Want to follow along with code?#

You're encouraged to follow along this walkthrough and play with the concepts through actual code if you can. The easiest way to get started is to use the example that's available in the RescriptRelay repository. Do the following:

Getting Started#

Let's get started!

Concurrent Mode is encouraged#

You will have the absolute best experience using RescriptRelay in concurrent mode, so you can enjoy the full benefits of the new React and Relay APIs. However, everything will work without concurrent mode too.

Extra bindings for experimental APIs with no official bindings yet#

Not all experimental APIs from React are currently bound in the official @rescript/react bindings. RescriptRelay therefore ships ReactExperimental and ReactDOMExperimental, modules with a few bindings to suspense and concurrent mode-related React API's with no official bindings yet. You're encouraged to use this until there's an official alternative.

This means that you'll need to install the experimental version of React and ReactDOM. It also means that your app will need to have concurrent mode enabled. Depending on what dependencies you use, this may or may not be easy to enable for you in existing apps. Please read more in the React documentation on Adopting Concurrent Mode.

A short note on the workflow of using Relay#

You can view Relay as being made up of two parts:

  1. The framework Relay that runs on the client and integrates with React.
  2. The Relay compiler, that takes the GraphQL definitions you write and generate artifacts at build time. These artifacts are then used by Relay at runtime.

RescriptRelay adds a thin layer on top of the Relay compiler (read more about that here). This means that the workflow for using RescriptRelay is:

  1. You write code including GraphQL definitions that Relay will use
  2. The Relay compiler finds and compiles your Relay code
  3. Repeat

You really don't need to care about the generated artifacts though, RescriptRelay hides them pretty well from you. But, remember the compiler! It needs to run. Luckily it's fast and it has an excellent watch mode.


First thing's first - RescriptRelay requires BuckleScript 8.3 or above. It will not work with bs-platform < 8.3.0. It also requires @rescript/react, and as mentioned here, it works best with react@experimental react-dom@experimental. Let's start by installing the dependencies:

# Add React and ReactDOM experimental versions
yarn add react@0.0.0-experimental-4e08fb10c react-dom@0.0.0-experimental-4e08fb10c
# Add rescript-relay and dependencies to the project
# We currently depend on Relay version 11.0.0, so install that exact version
# We also depend on reason-promise for promises
yarn add rescript-relay graphql relay-runtime@11.0.0 relay-compiler@11.0.0 react-relay@11.0.0 relay-config@11.0.0 reason-promise

After you've installed the packages above, setup BuckleScript through your bsconfig.json like this:

"ppx-flags": ["rescript-relay/ppx"],
"bs-dependencies": ["@rescript/react", "rescript-relay", "reason-promise"],

Are you using VSCode? Make sure you install and use our dedicated VSCode extension. It'll make your life using RescriptRelay much smoother.

Using experimental React versions#

You may need to tell yarn to prefer the experimental versions of React and ReactDOM by adding an entry to resolutions in package.json. This is because @rescript/react (and possibly other dependencies in your project) will depend on a stable React version, and we want to force everyone to use the experimental React versions, or you might start getting nasty bugs and weird errors about conflicting React versions.

Ensure that only the experimental versions are used by doing the following:

  1. Open package.json and look for react and react-dom. In the versions field you'll see something like 0.0.0-experimental-4e08fb10c - copy that version number.
  2. Add an entry for both react and react-dom with that version number to your resolutions. The final configuration should look something like this:
"resolutions": {
"react": "0.0.0-experimental-4e08fb10c",
"react-dom": "0.0.0-experimental-4e08fb10c"

Remember, the version number for experimental releases change pretty often, so don't just copy from the code snippet above, make sure you take the one you have in your own package.json.

Configuring Relay#

Add a relay.config.js to your project root with the following in it:

// relay.config.js
module.exports = {
src: "./src", // Path to the folder containing your Reason files
schema: "./schema.graphql", // Path to the schema.graphql you've exported from your API. Don't know what this is? It's a saved introspection of what your schema looks like. You can run `npx get-graphql-schema http://path/to/my/graphql/server > schema.graphql` in your root to generate it
artifactDirectory: "./src/__generated__", // The directory where all generated files will be emitted
// You can add type definitions for custom scalars here.
// Whenever a custom scalar is encountered, the type emitted will correspond to the definition defined here. You can then deal with the type as needed when accessing the data.
customScalars: {
Datetime: "string",
Color: "Color.t",

All configuration options can be seen by running yarn relay-compiler --help in your project.

Read more about custom scalars here.

Please note that RescriptRelay enforces two things that regular Relay does not:

  1. You must provide an artifactDirectory.
  2. You cannot provide your own language plugin.

We'll also add a script to our package.json to run the Relay compiler:

// package.json
"scripts": {
"relay": "rescript-relay-compiler",
"relay:watch": "rescript-relay-compiler --watch"

Notice that we're calling rescript-relay-compiler, and not relay-compiler. This is because RescriptRelay adds a thin layer on top of the regular relay-compiler. Read more about the Relay compiler and how RescriptRelay uses it here.

Now you have two scripts set up; one for running the compiler once, and one for running it in watch-mode.

You can go ahead and start it in watch mode right away (yarn relay:watch) in a separate terminal. Please note that you'll need to be aware of the output from the compiler as it will tell you when there are issues you'll need to fix.

Using VSCode? Our dedicated VSCode extension will run the Relay compiler for you automatically. Check it out!

The Relay compiler is really awesome. If you're interested there's plenty more to read about the compiler and how RescriptRelay uses it here.

Setting up the Relay environment#

Finally time for some actual code. Next thing is setting up the Relay environment. The Relay environment consists of a network layer responsible for dispatching your GraphQL queries, and a store responsible for storing data and supplying it to your components.

You're encouraged to put this in a separate file like or similar. Setting it up looks like this (using bs-fetch for fetching, which you can find installation instructions for here):

/* RelayEnv.res */
/* This is just a custom exception to indicate that something went wrong. */
exception Graphql_error(string)
* A standard fetch that sends our operation and variables to the
* GraphQL server, and then decodes and returns the response.
let fetchQuery: RescriptRelay.Network.fetchFunctionPromise = (
) => {
open Fetch
("query", Js.Json.string(operation.text)),
("variables", variables),
"content-type": "application/json",
"accept": "application/json",
) |> Js.Promise.then_(resp =>
if Response.ok(resp) {
} else {
Js.Promise.reject(Graphql_error("Request failed: " ++ Response.statusText(resp)))
let network = RescriptRelay.Network.makePromiseBased(~fetchFunction=fetchQuery, ())
let environment = RescriptRelay.Environment.make(
~gcReleaseBufferSize=10, /* This sets the query cache size to 10 */

Almost ready to make our first query#

There, we now have a Relay environment! We only have two more things to fix before we can start making queries.

1. Adding our Relay environment to React's context#

Your Relay environment needs to be available in React's context in your app. To fix that, wrap your app in a <RescriptRelay.Context.Provider />:

/* Index.res */
<RescriptRelay.Context.Provider environment=MyModuleWithTheRelayEnvironment.environment>
<App />
2. Rendering your app in Concurrent Mode#

We also have to render the app in concurrent mode. Check out how the example app is rendered above; we're using ReactExperimental.renderConcurrentRootAtElementWithId. As mentioned in this section, you have to render your app in Concurrent Mode for RescriptRelay to work as intended. To simplify things before the API's are officially released, ReactExperimental ships with a function renderConcurrentRootAtElementWithId that takes (React.element, string), where React.element is your app, and string is the ID of the DOM node you want to render into.

Time to make your first query#

There, all set up and ready to go! Time to make your first query.